Religion makes me furious!

Religion makes me furious!

Yes there are pros and cons with religion, but right now I’m feeling a lot more “cons”.

Faith, believe, patience, long suffering, missions and on and on is what my mom feels like she has to endure. Why can’t she feel like she can have happiness? Wtf is she waiting for????

I told her a few years back that she can move with me. Why is she so busy worried about what EVERYONE else thinks?

1. It’s nobody’s business what I do in my house.

2. She’s done enough labor and her children want to take care of her.

I don’t understand what she’s thinking. She told me she thought she was going to get a professor job with the school she’s working with. To be honest… I don’t think so. If she was, she would’ve gotten it a long time ago when she first got there because of her “religious credentials”.

Right now she’s with my sister, and my sis no longer wants to be there. My Mom Does not need to be there by herself!!! –RealityOfAPreachersDaughter



Suicide. It’s something I’ve thought about in the past. No one knew. I keep a smile. I stay strong for everyone. I let everyone see the strong girl who’s been though hell. I’ve kept what I’ve been though to myself. Why should I say anything? Who cares? I see how the world works. I see how there are more takers than givers. People act like they are slow sometimes and purposely overlook the obvious.

Sitting here asking God to please help me not to cry.

Am I this horrible of a person? Why don’t I get any support? Does anyone think about me? Does my mom think about me? Does my dad?  Yeah Right

Too late… Crying at work..

It can only get better right?

I have to finish this book!!!!

I have to finish this book!!!!

Everyone has had a broken heart, I guess. It’s just worse when it’s the person you call father. The news I’ve been hearing lately about him has me very concerned (more like driving me nuts). I’ve tried time after time year after year, and he just makes . It’s like he just doesn’t care about his life anymore. There is nothing I could say to him because he would never listen anyway. So maybe, JUST MAYBE, when I finish this book, he will still have time to bounce back and turn his life completely around. Maybe I can save the father who could care less about me. #Prayforme

-Preacher’s Daughter

Like she never left

Like she never left

My mom is here. It’s like she never left, like she’s suppose to be here. It’s natural for me to wake up and know my mothers in the other room. It’s natural for me to go downstairs and fix coffee for the both of us. It’s natural for her to tell me to fix my hair and put on makeup. It’s natural for mommy to want to make biscuits and cornbread and clean clean clean. 

What’s not natural is for my mother to be leaving me again the day after tomorrow to go to a place I know nothing about with people I’ve never met. It’s not natural for me to be 1500 miles away from her and to wonder if she’s doing ok, if she’s working on her books, if she’s drinking plenty of water and eating regularly.  It’s not natural, because naturally I want her here with me.