Don’t Misunderstand my Grind

Don’t Misunderstand my Grind

Everyday is about work. I feel bad when I watch tv because I know I can be hustling in some way. At times I wish things were a lot easier because I feel like I’ve struggled all my life. I guess this is just making a better story.

When I look at my life, right now, I feel like I’ve had more downs than ups. Not feeling sorry for myself, I’m good, I’ve had to adjust and make shit work. People have NO idea, not a clue what I’ve gone through. It makes it worst being a preachers daughter, hustling for EVERYTHING I’ve ever gotten. #Truth

I’ve been researching and teaching myself how to be a business person, create brands, understanding  what customers want and be authentic to who I am and what I stand for. So blogging is the ultimate way to get my feelings out instead of holding them in.

Mentors have taught me a lot over the past couple years and helped me realize a lot about myself. (These mentors have never met me, they don’t even know I exist, but they’ve helped me to get where I am) I’ve learned that hustling is more than doing something in secret for 50 years. Let me explain. My way outside of abuse was creating. I made many different types of artwork, danced, wrote, designed houses, created new hairstyles regularly… Whatever I could do to create something with what I had, and I didn’t have much. I kept it all in my room. I didn’t even hang art in my house when I was younger. My mom probably never even saw most of the work I did. Why? Why did I keep a large stack of drawings and paintings under my bed? Why was their pottery and sculptures on my floor?

Unfortunately, they are all gone now. You will read about that in my book.

But my hustle, my grind, is for people to know who I am and what I have to offer, because it’s better than good. I can’t worry about the lost art, I have to push forward. If people see me push past all the shit I’ve been through… Maybe that will encourage someone else. My decisions haven’t always been the best, and I don’t want people to judge my businesses off of that. You have to see the overall picture of what I stand for.

I stand for GREATNESS. Working until you achieve what you want. Hustle. Get your work seen. Be true to who you are no matter what people say or think. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you. Who cares!!! There may be 1,000 more piece whose lives you changed.

So the people who know me have seen me change my pace. I’m not going to wait to get seen and pray some celebrity posts a pic of my art or skincare on Instagram. I’m going to hustle my ass off to prove to myself that I can do it and help show the world that you can’t wait for anything Drop out the sky.

Remember, the richest place is and will always be the graveyard. Don’t add your contribution. -Reality Of A Preacher’s Daughter

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